How To Troubleshoot Your AC Problems
As things start to heat up this season, it’s time to really put your AC unit through its paces. For many of us, our air conditioners are the only thing standing between us and the summer heat. If your AC is acting up, not working properly, or not working at all, that’s a big problem.
If you notice or suspect a problem with your AC, don’t panic. Our experts at Signature HVAC are here to show you a few simple things you can do to troubleshoot your problem before calling a professional.
What Do I Do When My AC Unit Isn’t Running?
First things first, check the power. Sometimes the obvious solution is the right one. Make sure everything is turned on, and check your main electrical panel for any blown fuses or tripped breakers.
Your unit should be on a dedicated breaker, so this should be easy to check. Even if the breaker is on, you may reset it for good measure by flipping the breaker off for several seconds, then turning it back on.
If power isn’t your issue, you may check your unit’s condensate drain. This is the small line or pipe that removes condensation from your AC’s evaporator coil. If the line gets clogged, your unit can’t get rid of excess moisture properly and it may refuse to turn on. Clearing any blockages from the line may help your issue.
Lastly, look for ice or frost buildup on your unit’s coils. If you see any, change the filter to make sure it isn’t overloaded, set the unit to fan, and see if this will defrost the issue. If not, you may be dealing with a refrigerant leak — and it’s time to call a professional.
What Do I Do if My AC Is Running but Not Cooling?
If your air conditioner is turning on and blowing air, but the air isn’t cold, there are a few possible causes.
First, turn your unit off. This is just to eliminate any potential risk while you troubleshoot.
Next, confirm that your thermostat is set to an appropriate temperature, around 3 degrees cooler than the ambient room temperature. You also want to make sure your unit is set to “cool.”
Lastly, check your air filter. A dirty filter can prevent your AC from properly cooling. Ideally, you should replace your unit’s filter every one to three months, depending on how often you’re using it. If you haven’t cleaned or replaced your filter in a while, that may be a red flag.
Call for AC Repair in West Chester
If none of these tips help resolve your problem, then call a professional as soon as possible. AC units are complex systems, and the fastest, safest solution is to request service from a trained expert.
Our experts at Signature HVAC are here to provide the best possible service in West Chester County, Pennsylvania. Contact us for advice or a repair quote.